Dataran Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, 11 March 2023
WKD National Event, Dataran Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA
JOINT effort between the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKF), Malaysian Society of Nephrology (MSN), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH)
The National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia, the Malaysian Society of Nephrology and the Health Ministry of Malaysia collaborated together to increase awareness among the public on the importance of early screening for kidneys. Efforts were made to streamline the process for health screening for the public and to also provide proper counselling and follow-up for patients that were at risk. The “Buah Pinggang Anda Sihat? Jom Check!” free health screening initiative was launched by our Minister of Health, Dr. Zaliha Mustafa, on 11 March 2023 during the national WKD celebration to signify the start of efforts made to bridge the gap between early detection and continuous monitoring. With this initiative, we hope more Malaysians with kidney disease will be detected at an early stage at minimal cost to them.
Highlights of the programmes are Free Health Screening consists of a urine test to check for protein, BMI, blood pressure, glucose test, cholesterol screen and health counselling. Other activities include the 5km Fun Run, vendor exhibitions, kids colouring contest, cooking competition, hula hoop challenge, game booths and lucky draws.
A total of 396 participants took part in the Fun Run, 23 exhibitors took part in exhibitions and 213 participants were screened during the day. From the screening, 37 were referred to Klinik Kesihatan.
From Left to Right: Dato Dr Zaki Morad (Chairman NKF), Dr Lily Mushahar (president MSN), Dr Zaliha Mustafa (the Honourable Minister of Health), Datuk Dr Nurhayati Rusli (Deputy Director General of Health (Public Health)), Dr Sunita Bavanandan (National Head of Nephrology Services, MOH Malaysia).
Kedah, 12 March 2023
Northern Region NKF team organized a World Kidney Day in collaboration with the Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation as well this year. The Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah (YSB), or the Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation, is a charitable organisation named after its founder and first Royal Patron, Almarhumah Tuanku Sultanah Hajjah Bahiyah Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman. YSB has two main roles, which are to act as an agent of social change through education, community development, health, children and youth, as well as the implementation of training initiatives. The second role of YSB is to provide financial grants. Both roles are carried out in cooperation with other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and corporate bodies through various welfare projects. This northern region event was carried out at a public school, Sekolah Kebangsaan Ayer Hitam, Kedah on March 18, 2023 (Saturday). It was officiated by Puan Misbah Binti Dato Haji Abdul Hamid, General Manager of the Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation. Many interesting activities were carried out such as morning exercise, health screening, blood donation, eye screening, health exhibition, health talk, colouring contest, ‘sukaneka’ activity and lucky draw. A total of more than 200 people of various ages have visited and successfully participated in the program.
A total of 6 exhibitors took part in exhibitions including NKF and 52 participants were screened during the day. 50 participants took part in jump rope challenge and 50 children joined in the coloring contest.
Sarawak, 12 March 2023
In conjunction with World Kidney Day 2023 (WKD2023), the National Kidney Foundation Public Education Department Regional Unit Kota Samarahan (PEDKS) together with Sarawak General Hospital (HUS) and Sarawak Heart Center (PJS) organized our pioneer collaboration of Sarawak’s World Kidney Day 2023 celebration in the city of Samarahan, Sarawak. The collaborative program serves to expand the main agenda of World Kidney Day at a local level. The memorable event was ceremoniously officiated by Dr. Ngian Hie Ung, the Director of Sarawak General Hospital (HUS). Highlights of the activities such as health screening, aerobics exercise, kidney and organ donation exhibitions and healthy diet-themed colouring contests have successfully attracted visitors to partake in the journey of enlightenment in regards to a healthy lifestyle. At least a two-fold increase in the number of visitors including 240 participants collectively has indicated more traction from the program. With all this, it is our constant endeavour to continuously and proactively engage the public via outreach activities to ensure a healthier society, in the hope for a better life for the people.
A total of 122 participants were screened during the day. About 30 participants took part in the physical activity challenge and 42 children joined in the coloring contest.